on a different note

a sweet note among the jumble of sounds in blogosphere

it was your birthday February 12, 2009

Filed under: humming along from day to day — wyeyi @ 4:38 pm

it really was! the eighth day of Chinese New Year (which began on 26th January this year) is known as ‘everybody’s birthday’.. i don’t know enough about Chinese tradition to tell you why. maybe it’s to console those people that didn’t record down birthdays like we do now.

“don’t know when you were born? don’t worry!”

or maybe the Chinese just like to have another reason to feast…

“hey, it’s my birthday! wait a minute, it’s yours too! this calls for a celebration!”

okay, enough corny jokes. i can tell you one other thing about the eighth day of new year. it’s when we always have porridge! (don’t ask me why either)

well, this year, porridge day happened to be on a sunday when i was in church til 7pm, so i wasn’t planning on cooking anything. my parents were away, so there wasn’t any homecooked food to expect. But my sister and cousin surprised me (in the middle of the sermon) with an sms that there was delicious porridge waiting for me at home.

it was GOOD… they used century egg and chicken. and in cantonese tradition, we had lettuce to go with it. in the greedy family tradition we also had prawn crackers to go with the porridge.

doesn't it look good?

doesn't it look good?

and the chefs insisted that i give them credit.

we had satisfied smiles after that dinner.

now you know one more aspect of CNY (albeit with a lot of missing explanations)!